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What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file that websites send to the visitor's computer to uniquely identify the visitor's browser itself or to save information or settings in the browser. When the user returns to visit the website this information can be retrieved. During the navigation of a website, the user might also  receive on their device cookies from sites other than those that they are visiting (third parties);  this can happen because the website that they are visiting may also include elements such as statistics, chats, pictures, maps etc that reside on different servers than the one that they are visiting.

Types of cookies
Technical cookies are of 2 types:
Persistent cookies: are not destroyed once the browser is closed but remain until an agreed upon date.
Session cookies: are destroyed every time the browser is closed, they are only used to keep track of the user's session during the navigation allowing, for example, to make a purchase or for authentication to access restricted areas.

Analytical cookies:
Analytical cookies have statistical purposes and are assimilated to technical cookies, collect information, in aggregated form, on the accesses and number of users and how they use the site.

Functional cookies: 
Functional cookies are those that memorize, for the purposes of improving the service, various preferences of the user, for example language, products chosen for purchase etc.

Proliferation cookies:
The purpose of Proliferation cookies is to create profiles related to the user and then show online advertisements while surfing the net online with the personal preferences manifested by the user.
The guarantor distinguishes these obligations according to the type of cookies used:
Technical cookies to which are also assimilated navigation cookies, analytical cookies and functional cookies, for which no consent is required, without prejudice to the disclosure obligation to inform about their use, and the proliferation cookies.
For this kind of cookie for their installation it is required the disclosure statement and also the consent of the user.
Regarding proliferation cookies publishers should make available to users when they access the Home Page or others pages of the website, a brief informational statement about the use of proliferation cookies containing a link that allows access to even more detailed information, including also relative information about third party cookies if present.
It should be clear from the text of the communication that the continuation of navigation constitutes consent to the use of cookies.
Which cookies are used on ?
The website uses only technical cookies that are essential for the functionality of the site itself.
These cookies are not stored in the user's computer but remain in the memory of the browser only  during the site browsing session.
The website does not use proliferation cookies.
In the website there are present external components, such as chats, statistics, badges and therefore there may be used third-party cookies, who have their own privacy policy that may be different than that adopted by and therefore will not be held responsible for those sites. Below it is possible to take a look at the privacy policies of these third-parties present in the website
The website uses the statistics of Google Analytics.

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Partner

Cookie Policy

It is possible to selectively disable the action of Google Analytics installing on your browser the 
opt-out component provided by Google.

Other information about links/badges on the site.
"" per Google+. 
"" per Google Maps.
"" per Facebook.
"…" Twitter.
"" per Linkedin.
"" per YouTube.

By continuing to browse the site you agree to the use of the cookies indicated.
How is it possible to modify the cookie settings?
The majority of navigation software/browsers allow you to delete the cookies present on the hard disc of your computer or also to modify the settings also with the possibility of blocking the acceptance of cookies, however we point out that with settings that are too restrictive the majority of modern sites will not be able to function properly.
How to modify the settings for the main browsers.
"" per Google Chrome
"…" per Mozilla Firefox
"…" per Internet Explorer.
"" per Safari.
"" per Opera.

This page is always reachable from links present in all of the pages of this website.


The ownership of the data, provided voluntarily, and processed following the consultation of the site is attributed to Gianna Cheli 
Address: Via del Bombone 46 A Rignano sull'Arno (FI) Italy
Cell: (+39) 338 73 32 058

Taking into account the objective complexity linked to the identification of technologies based on cookies and their integration very closely with the operation of the web, the user is invited to contact the Owner if he wants to receive any further information on the use of cookies and any use of the same for example by third parties.


This privacy policy is prepared in compliance with the obligations in Article 10 of Directive n.95/46/CE, and in accordance with Directive 2002/58/CE, as revised by Directive 2009/136/CE regarding cookies. Last modification 25th May 2018.